Hello all,
How can I address an Allen Bradley IO (SLC500) with Direct logic or Do More PLC? I am planning to replace an obsolete AB SLC 5/05 with a DL or DM PLC but wish to use the 3 local IO racks as time allows. Is this doable? It will also keep downtime to a minimum.
So your remote racks are probably on AB RIO (remote I/O) which is a proprietary serial protocol run over the same media (blue hose / smurf tube) as Data Highway+. I wouldn't even attempt talking to that; AB's implementation of remote I/O, especially as it applies to the 1747/SLC platform, is very quirky and I'm not even sure it's publicly documented like DF1, the serial protocol of that era (and I've written AB drivers, just don't). NOT going to be a fun time if it's even possible.
The 1747 platform is fully obsolete as of March 1 of last year, you're not getting any replacement parts except from Ebay or equivalent.
One option is leaving the 5/05 and talking to one of it's comm ports from the BRX and just using it as an I/O head. I know they support E/IP to at least some degree as that's one of the protocol choices in Linx to talk to them (the driver for legacy AB Ethernet, called PCCC Ethernet, is named ABETH in Linx). Do-More may be able to talk to that. Some of the later SLC OSs and firmwares support Modbus RTU, not sure if TCP is available, thinking no. You could certainly get a standalone or rack mounted gateway that will translate between AB-speak and BRX-speak.
Another option is to replace the remote I/O adapters in the remote racks (presumably 1747-ASB if RIO) with Ethernet/IP ones, if you can find them, and if Do-More's Ethernet/IP implementation will talk to those. But again, do you want to drop money into something that's already past obsolescence?
EDIT: Just noticed that although this thread was near the top, it was almost all from the beginning of January. Sorry for the too little, too late help!