Reboot your PC, then try it again (it should crash). Please email the most recent dump file to support at There may be a CSMainDm*.dmp files also. Go to the public bin folder for Designer 2.9
and you should have a bunch of .dmp files. We just need the most recent 2 of each (DmDesigner*.dmp and CSMainDm*.dmp, so up to 4 total).
Also, you can tweak the INI file setting to stop Designer from querying for all the PLC links. The INI file is located in the hidden "virtual store" folder of windows for your user account. The folder located here (replace USER-NAME with your windows username):
then edit DmDesigner2_9.ini located in that folder in Notepad or your favorite text editor.
Look for the section
[Comm Server]
and change the entry
If it's not there, just add the
below that section
Note that there is no semicolon at the start of the line - that's a comment designator
Save it and close Notepad and try it again.
Let us know if that worked or not.