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Author Topic: Preset table, no output?  (Read 11122 times)


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Re: Preset table, no output?
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2013, 11:23:34 PM »
As for Designer 1.1.1  Someone needs to change the download link from 1.0.2 that follows the home page link.  I got the download from the Forum post but have not installed it yet.
You may have cached pages?  From Host's Home page I clicked on the Designer link in the right frame, and Do-more link below the Software node in the left frame, and they both went to the Designer page on Host's site that had links that take you to ADC's Designer download page.  Is there another link that I missed?


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Re: Preset table, no output?
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2013, 02:12:13 AM »
After each run the counter will have to be reset as it is a conveyor that the encoder is counting. The conveyor doesn't reverse back to home, it continues to the push bar on the second section of the chain which is a short move forward.  The encoder counter gets reset on the sensor edge for each section.

I am writing to the counter accumulator after loading the table.  Would that reset the table?  What ever I'm doing it's working w/o .reset  On to the next step of the process.

As for Designer 1.1.1  Someone needs to change the download link from 1.0.2 that follows the home page link.  I got the download from the Forum post but have not installed it yet.

You said the encoder counter was being reset by a sensor. That's still a reset and is likely why it is working.

We have no control of ADC's website, although they did update their download link earlier today. You really don't need a link though, the update is automatic through DmD.
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Re: Preset table, no output?
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2013, 04:48:47 PM »
"Do-More Designer can be downloaded at no charge or a CD copy can be purchased from Automationdirect by ordering this item for a nominal charge. "

Above is the line above the Do-more Designer Revision History. "downloaded at no charge" is the link to 1.0.2  I have my copy but someone new would not get 1.1.1 from this link.

This can't be a Cached page as 1.1.1  is new to the page.

Controls Guy

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Re: Preset table, no output?
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2013, 06:53:54 PM »
Without trying to replicate where I got the software or where you got it, I just opened the ADC main page trying to emulate what someone would do who didn't know where it was supposed to be.

I clicked on Downloads / Software, then on that page, clicked on the Do-More link, which took me to:

The main "Download File" link at the top about v1.1.1 links to

The bottom one, claiming to be for v1.0.2, links to

This is also the page you get to if you drill down into the online catalog for Do-More stuff and click the link for a free download of the software.  So at least that particular page seems to be working, and may be the one people will find while searching for the software.  
I retract my earlier statement that half of all politicians are crooks.  Half of all politicians are NOT crooks.  There.


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Re: Preset table, no output?
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2013, 09:07:08 PM »
The 'download at no charge' link is to ADC's site. That particular page was updated middle of the day on Wednesday. If it is not working, I'm not sure what else to do, because it does appear to be correct.

If I am still not understanding what you are telling me, I am sorry...sometimes I'm slow. ::)
"It has recently come to our attention that users spend 95% of their time using 5% of the available features. That might be relevant." -BobO

Controls Guy

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Re: Preset table, no output?
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2013, 11:34:07 PM »
Agreed, BobO.  Your "download at no charge" link is to the first page I mentioned in my post.

Everything looks right to me too.
I retract my earlier statement that half of all politicians are crooks.  Half of all politicians are NOT crooks.  There.